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Showing posts from June, 2017

Different forms of promiscuity.

It's a new day. New days come with a whole new package.The dawn of a day can create a massive impact in one's life. Wish the dawn of  today brings us plenty of POSITIVES. Yesterday we saw some disadvantages of a promiscuous lifestyle, today I wish we look at different forms in wish promiscuity is being manifested. This is because some of us are ignorant about our actions and decisions. Wish to let you guys know that there are many advantages of living a decent lifestyle compared to living a promiscuous lifestyle. I will like to outline some actions we carry out ignorantly not knowing  their actual meaning. 1) Poor dressing habits: Poor dressing habits is a promiscuous lifestyle because it leads to the exposure of sensitive parts of the human body, E.g. the use of transparent dresses, exposure of laps and breasts, etc. 2)Receiving drinks, money and other gifts from persons of the opposite sex we meet for the first time. 3)When we have multiple sexual partners. 4)Lo

Dangers of keeping multiple sexual partners.

Helloooooo my precious jewels(VEOSTYLERS). Hope all is well, being it Emotional, Financial, Spiritual etc.......... Today I'll wish we look at or remind ourselves about the ills that surrounds this thing known as PROMISCUITY. An important reason I wish we see into it is that, it has become a toothbrush and toothpaste kind of lifestyle amongst us nowadays. Promiscuity is the practice of casual sex with multiple sexual partners. Casual sex is a type of human sexual activity outside the context of of a romantic relationship.(no strings attached) This type of sexual activity is mostly carried out because of lack of information. If the disadvantages of promiscuity was known to the core, the story couldn't have been same. Dangers of promiscuity are: 1) Leads to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA etc. Some of these diseases can lead to death e.g. AIDS. 2)Practicing promiscuity can also lead to spread of contagious diseases, since
Always a touch of green.. #growth in all aspects in life... Wish you guys a better than nice week start. XOXO..


Every color has it's meaning, green meaning growth, represents the color of life, renewal, nature and energy. It also means freshness and fertility. Green is the color of nature and health. #evergreenmoodactivated......


Long maxi belly skirt created from this beautifully coloured african fabric. Who else believes it's time for AFRICA. #trending#Long sleeve electric blue female shirt+Long maxi skirt.......


Sometimes the weather tells us how to dress. Loving the old fashioned round neck oversized pullover who just sprung up back in to fashion like never before. This trendy piece of fashion has come back to stay this time around. I will be loading pictures on how to make use of these pullovers in my future blog posts. Thanks for reading and please drop questions at the comment box below for clarifications. Don't forget to pull yourself together using a PULLOVER,  when the weather tells you to.


Leather jackets and the beauty it posses. Leather jackets are one of the oldest fashion trends that has existed for a very long time and still trends. They give one an authentic look despite the weather in which one is in it and it's suitable for cold weathered seasons.Here are some feminine colors for leather jackets.


Happy Sunday game CHANGERS. Hope you all are doing just fine. Today I wish we see what's up with ANKARA the african fabric that has been making headlines all over the world when it comes to fashion. This fabric has been existing for a very long time before it became this trendy. This fabric has been used in the creation of all sorts of beauty and fashion accessories, even swim suits. Here are some few ways one can make use of an ankara fabric. You can visit my previous blog posts to get more tips on how to make use of your ANKARA fabric. Hope this article helps in one way or another. XOXO.......


Hello my VEOS............. Hope by now we all have made some positive changes in our fashion life so far, if not, I promise you much more sauce and juice ( not socks and shoes) lol! Today I wish we see what's up with DENIM. DENIM being an iconic piece of fashion for the day to day life of fashion lovers, was created in the late 1800s and has NEVER gone out of fashion since its creation. These are some ways you can rock a DENIM. If you are a 24/7 reader of veostyle, you must have gone through some other ways of rocking a DENIM accurately...... Wish you all plenty of POSITIVES. Am VERONICA. XOXO.....


Flowered long sleeve top + flowered ankle length pant + peep toe sandals + gold coloured bag. That's what happens when Mr. Friday comes around to say hi. Wish you guys a BETTER THAN HAPPY WEEKEND.


She's a smart woman with some money in her pocket and she's keeping up! So many men around her waiting for the rocket to step up! (Smart up ladies) Ain't her fault she's a queen with a brain, strong and independent. She clothes herself with dignity and respect in such a way her presence is felt both online and offline. Be wiser my VEOS...... Wish you guys plenty of luck... XOXO......