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Showing posts from October, 2017


1) AVOID MISTAKES: Mistakes like handing the wine glass wrongly, laughing unnecessarily,e.t.c...... 2) If you didn't storm the party with friends, immediately look for a group of friends to hang out with comfortably. Your ex must not see you in that "awkward lonely mood" especially when there are the ones who broke up with you. 3) DON'T PLAY ALONG: At the party, your ex will eventually want to make you jealous by flirting unnecessarily with others. Please "don't play along", just let them play their unhealthy games alone and end up the player playing without the other side. 4) IN CASE OF CONVERSATION : If a conversation is raised between you two, it's okay to talk to each other. No need being rude. Also, the conversation has to be limited thus it shouldn't go personal. During the conversation, don't act rude or needy and treat them like an acquaintance not an "ex". 5) Enjoy your party but don't get drunk and act stup


 If you call us too often, you’re pushy. If you don’t call us enough, you’re cold. Figuring out what is going on in a guy’s mind in the first few weeks of dating would really help a woman feel more assured, knowing that she is in control of the situation. But exactly how do you find out without asking him outright and getting a look like you’ve just asked him to marry you? How can you turn an awkward first date with the man of your dreams into the relationship you’ve dreamed of? Here are a few tips to get you moving in the right direction. Never empty your glass – You might be shaking like a leaf and nothing would settle your nerves more than to knock back the glass of wine on your table, but trust me, it’s not worth it. If you want to stay in control of the date and keep him interested then take it easy and don’t overindulge. If your date becomes your boyfriend then there will be plenty of opportunities for both of you to let your hair down. But a guy will most likely be a little


When we are born, our skin automatically makes all the moisturizer it needs to be soft and healthy by creating sebum – a combination of oil and waxes. This sebum forms a thin lipid layer on the skin by combining with water. These lipids play a large role in skin’s barrier function. When skin doesn’t have moisture, fine lines and wrinkles are more apparent, and when it is lacking in oil, skin is unable to retain the water, which can result in a dull, flaky complexion. As we age, our skin’s natural moisturizing abilities begin to slow, leading to imbalance. For example, the skin may be unable to retain water and create lipids, or conversely, may produce too much oil. The right moisturizer will help supplement your skin’s needs. MOISTURIZERS BY SKIN TYPE Your skin type is characterized primarily by the levels of natural lipids in your skin. Below you’ll find a few characteristics related to some of the most common skin types. If you’re unsure about your skin, our guide to determin


The Heart : Watermelon's high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cells from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease, watermelon extracts helped reduce hypertension and lower blood pressure in obese adults. Watermelon may be especially important for older women. A study published in Menopause found that postmenopausal women, a group known to have increased aortic stiffness, who took watermelon extract for six weeks saw decreased blood pressure and arterial stiffness compared to those who did not take watermelon extract. Arginine can help improve blood flow and may help reduce the accumulation of excess fat. Anti-inflammatory properties  "The lycopene in watermelon makes it an anti-inflammatory fruit," Jarzabkowski said. Lycopene is an inhibitor for various inflammatory processes and also works as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals. Additionally, the watermelon contains choline, which helps keep chronic inflammation down, a


1)When with him, play with him like you're playing with a new born baby.......( touch his cheek playfully, peck him unnecessarily....etc.) We all know new born babies are harmless, cute and they smell so good. Just have it in mind he's a new born and has all these qualities mentioned above and the rest is magic.  Also, You know when it's Christmas and a parent buys a Christmas toy for their kid, when a gift bag  is being handed over to this kid, he/she unfold it anxiously and immediately starts playing with it. That's wassup! 2) Respect yourself: Be cultured and respectful. E.g. if a guy invites you for a buffet, please don't eat in such a way that you're unable to move yourself. If you do so, you're acting cheap, thus he'll treat you as such. 3) Have a back-up: When you make your own money, men will confidently throw money on you. 4) Give him when ever he needs it: It increases a man's happiness, thus when you demand for something he tru


1)' DON'T CALL ME THAT'  colleagues, friends,  neighbors,  bosses starts calling you like " baby, my love, etc...NO! They shouldn't call you that, because those are signs of sexual harassment and a major one at that. 2) "I DON'T GET THE HUMOUR IN WHAT YOU JUST SAID". Girls shouldn't laugh at all jokes because they're girls . They should feel free and let it out just the way it is "that's not funny" 3) "I'AM NOT INTERESTED: A girl shouldn't feel sorry for a guy who's asking her out for a date by going out on dates with them out of pity. Please feel okay to let him know you aren't interested. 4) " SURE I DO LOOK GOOD TODAY" Own the way you look. So many girls wouldn't accept COMPLIMENTS like " you look so good today". They'll be like..." oh NO, are you sure? 5) "I DON'T CARE" If someone tells you " your shoe heel is so tiny" or " your


1. Vaginal discharge is normal. 2. Wearing panty liners 24/7 is not necessary. 3. Vaginas are acidic enough to BLEACH fabric, hence the discoloration of underwear. 4. Longer labias are more normal than smaller ones (but both are fine). 5. A mans sperm CAN throw off your ph balance and also change the smell of your vagina 6. It is not safe for vaginas to smell like sunshine and flowers so quit expecting it to. 7. STOP douching and washing your vagina with bath&body works, and Victoria secret. Shits not healthy for the vagina. 8. The vagina cleans itself. 9. Having sex has no correlation of how "tight" your vagina is. 10. Yeast infections are COMMON!!! 11. The best thing you can do for your vagina is to leave it alone. 12. If your vagina stinks or your discharge stink and has a color than go see a gynecologist and stop trying to blame cause you stink. 13. Let it breathe. 14. The VAGINA is the narrow canal that runs INSIDE the body. NOT the who


How to know your "Safe Period" & "Fertile Period/Unsafe Period" ... There are many of you ladies that do not know this and sometimes you get confused too. ... To avoid stories that touch, I will be sharing tips by which you can know when you are safe and when you are unsafe. ... Here it goes... If you follow this steps, you will get pregnant only when you want to. 1. From the first day you see the blood of your period. 2. Pick up a calendar and count 15days including the first day of the blood stain. 3. Mark the 15th day with a pen 4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day 5. Mark 3 days after the 15th day 6. You will notice you have 7 days marked. These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days also known as unsafe period. Meaning if you have sex on any of these days then you have 98% chances of being pregnant. 7.Do these every month and try and abide by these rules ... EVERY OTHER DAY IS YOUR SAFE PERIOD For example. 1. If your period was on


1) Ignore Rumours. Remember people will always be there to invent unnecessary stories about you. 2) Talk to " YOU" in a positive manner. Remember you're your own words. 3) Love yourself. Remember self love is worth having. 4) Be super honest with yourself. If you aren't honest with yourself, trust me it will be difficult for others to be honest with you. 5) Be responsible for your actions, being it positive or negative. 6) Give honour where honour is due. Make sure each and every one you interact with have it just the way they gave it to you. 7) Stand tall no matter what. 8) Face you fears. Remember you can't run away from your own mess, be confident enough to stand by it and fix it, it's yours. 9) Use your will power when and where necessary. 10) Ask yourself positive questions. 11) Learn as much as you can, no one is too old to learn. I AM VERONICA. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!


Hey I'll wish we talk about something that's very vital "LOYALTY". Trust me the day you'll taste betrayal, that's day you'll know the importance of loyalty in a friendship. Loyalty is the most important quality in a friendship or any union, and a loyal friend is  quite different from an ordinary friend and should be treated better depending on you. ( give honor to whom honor is due) Sometimes we confuse being loyal and being honest. Honesty means telling the truth and not cheating others while loyalty is devotion to a person or friendship. A loyal friend is one who sees you as someone precious to them and will never abandon you even if they have to suffer with you. But also, don't expect loyalty if you can't provide honesty. No one wants to be lied to or being manipulated with lies. A friend's loyalty is a wonderful virtue. The absence of loyalty in a friendship leads to the absence of other values in that friends


1) Men are more attached to woman who're confident and classy. They like spending time with them. 2) Men like women who enjoy being a lady and let them be gentlemen. Women shouldn't be quick to pay the bills. Please let the MEN do that and just enjoy being a lady. 3) MEN love women who're generous, not only towards them but towards all. 4) Men like women who are independent. They don't like women who lack focus, woman who has refused to be ambitious. They prefer woman who are active. 5) They like women who are appreciative to everyone they interact with. 6) They like women who drops them hints and feel free to ask them for assistance of any sort. TO BE IS BETTER THAN IT SEEM TO BE.. JUST BE U!


1) Woman should stand with each other NOT against each other. If they stand against each other, they'll be fighting the wrong battle. 2) When women genuinely support one another, the outcome is huge . 3) Because queens uplift other queens! 4) When women empower each other, they're stronger, thus the ability to make positive changes in the community. 5) When women empower each other, competition will be reduced. Remember competition leads to jealousy and  jealousy leads to killings. 6) When women empower each other, there's the reduction of deception. Knowing honesty is the key, women should learn how to tell each other "just the way it is". No suger coating..... 7) The last reason why women should empower each other is that, one woman's success is an inspiration for another. Women all over the world should join together and focus on making the world a better place. There's a lot of work to be done... XOXO....


1) The little black dress.. 2) A classic white shirt. 3) A plain white fitted feminine t-shirt. 4) Ballet flats also known as Ballerinas. 5) A pair of classic pumps.. 6) An elegant blazer. 7) A pair of classy black pant.. 8) A dark colored denim. 9) A striped shirt.


Sometimes, we hear oooh.....she has charmed my man, she's fetish, he has charmed my woman, he's fetish........ Please no one charmed your man/woman, your man/woman just don't longer want to be with you anymore for one reason or the other and most a times it's because the latter's romance is taking him/her away not fetish at all. Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of every day life into a golden haze. Romance is exiting, fun and gives one a good feeling, why not do it over and over all the days of your life.. Romance has to be effortlessly and should be a must in our relationships. The absence of romance can lead to the disappearance of "AMOUR" With all the distractions nowadays, romance has to be involved within  couples despite their busy schedules. There's a big difference between sex and romance. With romance both your heart, body and soul are involved but with sex,just the body parts are involved. Romantic moments in our rela


PUNCTUALITY shows you're someone who is caring, reliable and trust worthy. Being punctual shows you're a dependent individual and that's a rare quality. BENEFITS OF BEING PUNCTUAL.... 1) PROMOTION: As an employee, the probability for you to be promoted at work is very high when you're punctual to work. It shows you're a productive and accurate person. 2) READY : Going early to an appointment being it professional or not shows you're ready for the outcome of the appointment. 3) RESPECT : To be punctual to an event shows you have RESPECT for the person/persons you're about to meet. Thus in giving respect to others, you can in return. 4) CREDIBILITY : An employee who goes to work early is seen as a credible employee by  his/her employer. 5)ORGANISED : A punctual person is seen as collected and successful. 6) PRODUCTIVITY : A punctual person is more productive to his/her employer than an employee who's always late. NB: DON'T loose yo