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Bricks might make a house but so many emotions - that sense of belonging, familiar comfort, and that secured feeling makes a home. Our homes in which we are being raised can play a big part in shaping our identities and sometimes our health and well being . Below are some aspects to show your house is homely. - We go home to find peace . A home is a place one retreats for peace from the crazy outside world. - At home you have that warm welcome while in the house, you receive an icy or an unfriendly welcome most atimes. -In a house, u find food but at home,  you'll find a meal . -At home, you'll find that permanent feeling of belonging while in a house you'll get a temporal feeling of belonging. -At home, you'll get smiles directly from the heart while in the house you'll get hypocrite like smiles which are sometimes boring. - At home you feel you can trust your environment while in the house you're 24/7 skeptical about the environment . - At ho
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Our hair is the first thing anyone notices when they take a look at us. One's beauty lies on their hair no matter it's length. Sometimes I use to prefer my hair goals to be stronger than my make-up goals . Below are some tips on how to personally care for our hair: - Washing and conditioning your hair should be a regular routine even without the help of a hair stylist. - When detangling your hair, please detangle with patience and care. I often witness this in some saloons where the hair care provider will detangle one's hair carelessly and at the end, you end up loosing a reasonable quantity of hair. - While using the towel to reduce water from the hair after shampooing, please it should be done in a damping manner. - Know your hair's likes and dislikes. This is because we all have different hair textures and different hair qualities. - Over night conditioning can create lifeless hair. - Question your hair care provider until you feel comfortable with t


Tea is a beverage and a cultural drink for many countries. Despite the good taste and refreshing feeling one gets during the consumption of tea, one can be a benefactor of  a healthy lifestyle through it. Below are some reasons why anytime is tea time. - Tea has antioxidants in it. Antioxidants helps in slowing down aging processes. Who wouldn't like to stay young forever. - Tea helps keep your body hydrated. - Tea may create a peaceful state of mind. This is because it is made up of amino acid. Tea helps you concentrate more all day. - Tea lowers stress hormone levels especially black tea. Also red tea which is originated from Africa relieves headaches, insomnia and sometimes nervous tension . - Tea can help lower cholesterol. If you're struggling to get your cholesterol under control, try adding tea to your diet. Tea can help lower blood pressure, reduce stomach cramps, aid digestion, help take away bad breath e.t.c. As for me, anytime is tea time. Am Veron


Hello happy people, your girl spent some time at the Kribi Rocky and Sandy Beach over the weekend.  That's what's up! As a Cameroonian, I had never visited that part of my Country before. Kribi is a beautiful city with attractive natural resources and a town full of tourists from all over the world.  It's a town blessed with both a Rocky and Sandy Beach. The sand at the Sandy Beach is to die for. The people are friendly and loving and the language most used there as language of communication is the French language. The natural sea breeze that is being felt especially by the Sandy Beach gives one that heavenly feeling. I wish to revisit Kribi again, again, and again.


YOU NEVER TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE. We all need growth in our relationships. Healthy Relationships shouldn't be stagnant they need growth and some positive changes from time to time. Boyfriend/Girlfriend titles shouldn't be for a very long time without an upgrade either to an engagement ring or a wedding ring. The ring gives stability and this is an aspect one should take seriously. It also shows commitment to each other. YOU HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON EXCEPT SEX. The level of intimacy needed to sustain a growing relationship doesn't just end under the sheets. COHABITATION. ( You live together ). Living together as a couple isn't encouraging. When you cohabit, the urge to upgrade is lacking. Men are more likely not to move a relationship forward when they're already getting it all. NONE OF HIS FRIENDS ARE MARRIED. Our environment influences our lifestyle either positive or negative. Who we surround ourselves with often detect our behavior. If their friends aren


We don't need to change the way we look to be able to feel good about ourselves. Self-esteem is how much you feel you worth while body image is how you view your physical self. Body image is both inward and outward. Personally , I believe the importance of a healthy self-esteem should not be taken for granted. Some Importance Of Self-esteem are: -When you work on your level of self-esteem and the results becomes positive, you attract persons attached with great importance towards you. You feel worthy of respect. - High self-esteem builds self confidence. - Your level of self-esteem has a deeper effect of your Choices, Values e.t.c. - When you have a high self-esteem, you never compare yourself to others knowing your self confidence and internal body image is strong. - You make your choices without fear. Thus high self-esteem allows you to act independently. - A high level of self-esteem helps you handle criticism appropriately. -It also helps you learn from others


A fling is a physical and emotional relationship between two persons of the opposite sex, who may have casual sex but no extra commitments are required. 07 Signs You're a Fling Material and Not a Wife/Husband material. - He/She doesn't text except for sex. Your partner having sex with you on daily basis doesn't mean they love you . One can have intimate moments with you regularly but have no love for you and doesn't see his/her future with you.  They should text you always,  text or calling shows they care about your well being . - You're Never Asked To Meet Their Friends Normally,  if someone wants you for a longer period of time, they'll want you to meet their friends. If you are constantly kept behind the door 24/7, please note that you're being played. - You're Not Friends On Facebook. This might sound childish but it's real. The generation in which we are is social media focused.  It's at social media platforms most people show