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Showing posts from July, 2017


HEALTH BENEFITS OF LOVE Ain't love grand? It's fulfilling, exciting and, as it turns out, good for you, too. I found out that romance can bring you more than just giddiness—it can also positively affect your health and well-being. So whether you've been married for years or are single and looking, the following evidence will remind you why it's important to make room for love in your life. 1) It may bolster your immune system Research suggests that happy couples who engage in positive conflict resolution have higher functioning immune systems than those who don't. 2) It can make you physically fit No, you don't get to bid your gym membership goodbye. But, it turns out that couples who exercise together have more success than people who sweat solo. 3) It might help you live longer "There's a long history of research that has looked at the health benefits of marriage,". "According to a 2004 study by the CDC, mortality rates were fou


Looking good is very important but how many men actually know what it takes to look good *Here are 18 style rules every man should live by* 1. Your belt should match your shoes. 2. If you are wearing a black suit, wear black shoes. 3. If you are wearing gray, blue, tan or a combination thereof, please use brown shoes. 4. Get a haircut regularly. Don’t wait until everyone around you knows you need one. 5. Never go out without a wristwatch. 6- If you want a thinner and smart look, go for vertical-striped shirts. 7- You should have at least three suits in your wardrobe. 8- Your tie should cover your collar button down to your top trouser button. Anything longer or shorter makes you look awkward. 9- Have at least one pair of dress shoes. 10- Wear slippers only at home and the beach. Never leave your house with slippers. 11- If you want to use a tie, use it properly. Avoid wearing a tie with an untucked shirt or wearing a tucked shirt with a slightly loosened tie.


*ANGER* Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems at work, in your relationship and in the overall quality of your life. *Causes* What makes a person angry? Why do we get angry over the smallest things? Why do we get angry at people we love and care about? Anger can appear to be irrational but if we learn to look below the surface you will find the real causes of anger. When you find the real causes you can successfully overcome your anger. *Signs/symptoms* - Tingling - Heart palpitations or tightening of the chest. - Increase blood pressure - Headaches - Pressure in the head - Fatigue *Management* Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you are becoming angry and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. *NB*: Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling *anger* or encourage you to hold it in. *A


1) Live in gratitude. 2) Find friends that inspire you. 3) Be of service to others. 4) Follow your dreams. 5) Grow your mind. 6) Take Care of your body. 7) Share your talents. 8) Protect your happiness. 9) Pray without ceasing.


1) Be a keen listener than a talkative. 2) Compliment others positively. 3) Praise others. 4) Admit when you're wrong. 5)Give other people credit. 6) Ask for advice. Remember we can't climb the ladder with our hands in our pockets. Wish you guys plenty of POSITIVES. XO......


1) Do not seek to be admired and loved. 2)Give in, in discussions, even when you're right. 3)Speak as little as possible about yourself. 4)Keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others. 5)Accept small irritations and good humour 6)Do not dwell on the faults of others. 7)Accept insults. 8)Chose always the more difficult task.


Many people think ETIQUETTE is all about table manners in chic restaurants......oooh NO! It is an expected behaviour that shows respect and meant to make everyone feel okay. These are some ways in which we can exercise proper etiquette: 1) Be appreciative and respectful of the time and effort someone invests in you. 2) Table Settings: Place the spoon, knife,forks,napkins from left to right, drinking glasses to the right. 3) Polite Conversations: Don't talk about politics, money, sex, and religion around people who aren't your friends. 4) Email: If you are replying an email late than required, lead the reply with an apology. 5)Text : Don't take for granted that everyone has unlimited texts by texting sad news or any serious information. Also, don't freak out if someone doesn't immediately text you back. 6) Places we shouldn't take calls, unless they are emergencies: restaurants, buses, theatres, waiting areas, lines, gyms coffee shops, and elevato


1) Immediately your guest arrives, ask if they'd like to eat something or take their bath first. 2) Show them to their room and leave them to get settled and rejoin you when they feel comfortable. 3) Sit down with your guest, share a drink, and talk..... 4) Make sure your guest is comfortable, let them feel at home, let them know everything they need to know. 5) Make sure your guest has their basic needs....... towels, water, bedsheets etc.... 6) Tell your guest to help themselves to whatever they need in your kitchen and if possible let them know how to use the necessary utensils available... 7) You can go extra mile by placing fresh flowers in the room or by the bed where your guest is staying.


1) Arrive With a Gift. Always try to take something to your host no matter how small, it's a sign of appreciation for having you at their home. 2)Always have with you extra linens and towels. You might be lucky your host may provide a linen and a towel for, but make sure you have yours#shouldincase.. 3) Buy Your Own Groceries. Trust me when you buy your own groceries, your host will appreciate the gesture especially when you're gone and left overs are all theirs. 4)Find out from your host if he or she has house rules, so as to respect the rules so they will not be offended during your stay. 5) Lend a Hand Where Necessary. Is your host slaving away in the kitchen making dinner after work? Ask if he or she needs a hand. They might say No the first or second time out of politeness, but eventually, they'll want to pawn some of their chores on you.......and if they happen to, help them with a smiling face. 6) Give the Host Personal Space. 7) Strip Your Bed Upon


When we were growing, most of our friends and classmates were in relationships one could term the type to die for. But as time passes by, these relationships fail because they were young and and had little or no knowledge about the complexity of Love and Relationships. To know if he/she is the right one for you, you need to have the following feelings..... 1) The feeling like they are your legal advisers: You seek advice from them in all ventures you want to take in life, being it legal or not. You speak to them about anything bothering you. 2) The feeling like they can die for you: This is because, they always prophesy their Love constantly. They tell you how much they love you every hour of the day effortlessly. 3) You are your original copy when with them...... No faking of assent, No makeup, No body sprays, No clothes on......... 4)You feel relaxed and super happy when with them. In their absence, you feel like a part of your body is missing. Wish you all luck on t


Knee length jacket+ skinny denim + coffee brown shoes + brown & black leather handbag...


High Waist Pant + Belly Top + peep toe sandals + clutch like handbag.


One problem we face after child birth is the fight against stretch marks. This is because child birth goes with weight gain for most women, and weight gain goes with stretch marks. Below are some ways we can say bye to stretch marks. 1)Eat foods rich in zinc like, beans, nuts, etc. 2) Soak up some vitamin D. 3) Control your weight. This is the most important way of preventing stretch marks. 4) Use hydrating body milks. 5) Feed yourself with nutrient rich diets. 6)Treat newly appeared stretch marks, don't wait until they multiply. Wish you guys plenty of luck. XO.....


Sexy comes in different types and sizes.. Embrace yours just the way it is#embraceyourbodyshape. GOWN          : BAVARIA DRESS. FEET WEAR :JESSICA SIMPSON SHOES.


1)The Boorish Guy: The boorish guy doesn't try to hide the fact that he's checking out other women while in your presence. He flirts with the waitress and he even goes as far as to brag about his past conquest. Generally, he lacks respect for women. These types of guys are unappealing because his type of behaviour is infuriating and can be bad for a woman's self esteem. Please guys if you act like this, when first getting to know a woman, you wouldn't stand a chance. NB: My dear men, if you are this type, please keep your flirting and wondering eyes at bay. 2) The Arrogant Guy. 3)The Needy Guy: No to unsecured and guys who are dependent. Women want strong men they can lean on. 4) The Misogynist. 5)Men who spend more time at the bathroom more than their ladies. 6)The Self-righteous Guy. 7)The Arguer: This types of men turns any conversation into an argument. 8)The Cheap Guy: Guys who makes ladies feel like they're on a tight budget from the very


Hello my veostylers.............................. Being in a long term relationship can't be that glamorous if we don't work hard to make it one. One has to work on it to keep the passion burning. Some changes have to be made from time to time depending on the occasion. These changes should be in such a way that bea always have the feeling he's coming home to a new girl. Some little ways of giving some life to our unions are: 1) Our hairstyles: Our hairstyles shouldn't be repeated all the time. We should try some different hairstyles sometimes just to make a change. If possible keep multiple wigs for different functions. 2) Our sleeping gadgets: Who will want to go home to same sleeping wear every day for years......... Nar...boring.... Please our sleeping wears should be changed always if possible. 3)Comfort: We all know the comfort we get the first months we buy our mattresses and pillows aren't same when time passes. Sometimes it's necessary to


Hello my favourite people, it's not about age. It's about taste and lifestyle. Let's have the believe we can wear anything despite our age. Today I'll wish we see how we can style ourselves. These are some tips on how we can fortify our sense of style. 1) If one feels like exposing a part of their body, let it be the most beautiful and attractive part. For example, Beyonce Knowles mostly exposes her legs because they are beautiful and attractive. 2) Be open minded when shopping, buy what your mind tells you to buy. 3) Go for colors that suits you.. Don't go for colors you are not really comfortable with. If it's black, know you are going to feel confident in it. 4) Always stick to multiples. If you have some trend that goes for you, have it in multiple colors. E.g. I like female leather jackets and blazers thus I have them in different colors and designs. When one has multiples in their closet, it helps them dress up quicker. 5) The classic white sh


Hello my favourite people. Happy Monday to you all. It's a New week, New monday, New goals#setthedicerolling..................... Today I'll wish we talk about the dangers of drug addiction which is rampant nowadays. Drug addiction is a compulsive need to use drugs in order to function normally. Some dangers of drug addiction are: 1)It causes stomach pain and loss of weight. 2)It causes nervousness and difficulty in sleeping. 3)Prolonged use leads to loss of concentration, a feeling of insects crawling on the skin and other hallucinations. 4)It is very expensive, thus it's often mixed with cheaper chemicals, these chemicals maybe impure and can cause a great deal of of harm to the body. 5)It causes chronic constipation. 6) Very heavy doses can cause violent behaviors or death through breathing difficulties or heart failure. 7)It causes decreased alertness. 8) In female addicts the menstrual cycle is interfered. 9) It causes lung cancer. 10) Most add


Hello my favourite people, it's holidays and we shouldn't forget our responsibilities as parents, elders, etc to our kids or younger once. Let's educate them on immoral, unethical, and sickening lifestyles they might be involved in if they aren't careful. Today I'll wish we look at risks involved in teenage pregnancies. 1) Emotional consequences. A teenage mother has to undergo a lot of stress. This can be social, emotional or physical in nature. Some teenage mothers see the infant as unwanted and decide to abandon him. Some feel good about motherhood but lack enough maturity and experience to bring the child up properly. In extreme cases, they may be a tendency to commit suicide. 2) Death: Death from pregnancy complications is much higher amongst girls who give birth under the age of 15years than amongst older mothers. 3) Health problems: Teenage pregnancy posses serious health problems both to the mother and the child. 4) Social negligence: The pressu