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Ain't love grand? It's fulfilling, exciting and, as it turns out, good for you, too. I found out that romance can bring you more than just giddiness—it can also positively affect your health and well-being. So whether you've been married for years or are single and looking, the following evidence will remind you why it's important to make room for love in your life.

1) It may bolster your immune system
Research suggests that happy couples who engage in positive conflict resolution have higher functioning immune systems than those who don't.

2) It can make you physically fit
No, you don't get to bid your gym membership goodbye. But, it turns out that couples who exercise together have more success than people who sweat solo.

3) It might help you live longer
"There's a long history of research that has looked at the health benefits of marriage,". "According to a 2004 study by the CDC, mortality rates were found to be the lowest in married couples." Generally speaking, people experience less stress when they're in committed, healthy relationships—and less stress means better health. Plus, it has been shown that when men marry they give up some of their risky behavior—like heavy drinking and smoking—which leads to longevity. Good news for your hubby!

4) It may clear up your skin
That healthy glow of being in love? It's not just a myth! "When our love life is in order, our stress levels are lower "There is less free-floating cortisol—high cortisol levels cause stress-induced acne––and thus less skin breakouts and pimples."

5) It can improve your heart health
"Human beings are social animals who have biological drives that make them want to find relationships,". "When they can't find those unions, they're punished with stress." People in happy relationships experience less stress, which in turn improves their cardiovascular health. Furthermore, people who aren't in stable, committed relationships have an increased rate of heart attacks, particularly those who have been widowed, giving a graver meaning to the term "heartbroken."

6) It can reduce feelings of pain
The comfort of holding your husband's hand can actually minimize your feelings of pain.

7) It can regulate your menstrual cycle
That is, love––as in making love––can. If you're struggling with irregular periods, try hitting the sheets. Women who have sex at least once a week have higher levels of estrogen and are more likely to have regular menstrual cycles than women who have sex less frequently.

8) It can improve your mental well-being
We all know that being in love makes us feel elated, but it's not just in our heads. There actually is scientific evidence of romance's blissful effects on the brain. "The bottom line is, the dopamine rush that comes from being in love gives you tremendous energy and optimism."


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