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Everyone wants great skin, some people have it naturally, others have to work really hard to maintain a clear complexion. While topical remedies or a "detox diet" might bring you temporary relief chances are the issues will resurface, often at the worst time. In my experience, skin problems are usually linked to four primary areas:-
- Digestive dysfunction hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies or toxicity.

Now the things you can do to keep your complexion clear. (Please note, some people can see results by doing a few things on this list, other will need to do everything and maybe more, this is an art not a science).

1) Avoid any food that causes digestive discomfort, headaches, low energy, joint pain* You most likely have a sensitivity to these foods and they are setting off a chain of events that will lead to skin problems (common culprits - dairy, soy, corn, beans, excess fiber, too much raw food, fermented foods like "water fufu".

2) Avoid high fiber foods and stop taking fiber supplements*: They can cause digestive inflammation and can feed those bad bacteria. Eating 2 raw carrots a day (in-between meals) gives you all the fiber you need and carrots can help mop up any residual toxins in your digestive system (this is very powerful and carrots alone might help).

3) Avoid PUFA's* (polyunsaturated fatty acids).These fats acts as prooxidants (the opposite of antioxidants) and can stress various systems in your body (vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower seed oil, any other "seed" oils). The only oils you should be consuming are olive oil and coconut oil.

4) Dairy/Sugar: Providing you don't have an issue with dairy, consume organic milk regularly (raw if legal in your area) along with pulp free orange juice. For those of you trying to starve Candida (a common fungal infection linked to skin issues) it generally doesn't work and the skin problems are probably not a "die-off" reaction. I have seen milk and added sugar (from fruit juice) clear my clients' complexion over night. Milk and orange juice both contain valuable skin and health boosting nutrients.

5) Consider a Low Starch diet (not low carbohydrate): The two main carbohydrate sources are Starch and Sugar. Starches can be quite difficult to digest, consider replacing your starches with fruit and fruit juice.

6) Thyroid/Estrogen/Hormones: Ensure adequate thyroid function. The thyroid is called the master gland for a reason and plays a major role in skin health and metabolic function. Balance your hormones, particularly estrogen. Excess estrogen is a very common problem, from the use of birth control to the estrogen boosting chemicals in our environment (i.e. plastic). Raw carrots combined with an overall nutrient dense diet can help balance your hormones.

7) Don't let your blood sugar drop: When you skip meals and get that shaky feeling you are creating a stress response in the body. Stress alone can cause skin issues but this gets compounded by the fact that your body looks internally for fuel and starts breaking down your own tissues to use as energy. This process can cause the release of added toxins in the body (think about the skin issues that arose during your cleanse). It can also "slow" your metabolism and cause hormonal imbalances.

8) Work hard, rest harder: Take one day a week to restore your body (and mind). Infrared Saunas, epsom salt baths, a massage, a walk in the park can all do wonders. You may also want to consider a colon cleanse or coffee enema.

9) Reduce your toxic load: Eat organic food, use non-toxic personal hygiene products, stop taking most supplements (they are usually synthetic), avoid toxic people and relationships. Consume foods that will support your liver - beets, high quality protein, chicken liver.

10) Correct any nutrient deficiencies by eating nutrient dense foods: Most people have nutrient deficiencies, but especially those on restrictive diets. Nutrient deficiencies will impair your detoxification and hormonal system. Common deficiencies related to skin health - A, E, K2, B-Vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium, Glycine, Protein.

11) Manage Stress/Get Sleep: You have that important event coming up and you get a blemish. The body mind connection cannot be denied. Stress is not going to go away, so manage the stress you can control, eat nutrient dense food, incorporate stress management activities regularly, these will help your body adapt to stress more efficiently. Lastly, your body repairs itself while you sleep, get as much as you can. This is more powerful than nutrition and exercise in my opinion.

NB: "Sex"..Like any other vigorous physical activity, sex helps improve blood circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen to the skin and other organs. This boost in circulation is what brightens the complexion and gives your skin that glow. "This tip is strictly for married couples".


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