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Showing posts from April, 2017


Adding more harmony and visual appeal to our bedroom is what we would love knowing our bedroom is the part of the house where we spend most of our private times. Bedrooms are associated with our intimate relationships and what one sees when he/she wakes up in the morning, colors his/her day. Keeping your bedroom clean and attractive can help boast your self-esteem and also can help you sleep more soundly. Some tips for a healthy and attractive bedrooms are: 1) Put Art in your Bedroom that Creates an Oasis for you: Your bedroom should be a peaceful retreat. It should make you feel settled. When coming home tired and worn out, there is nothing nicer than walking in and seeing your cozy, comfy bed made and waiting for you. 2) Wash your sheets at least once a week. 3) Make the bed daily: Making the bed first thing in the morning should be your first organisational task of the day. 4) You may put some lavender sachets in your drawers so as to infuse the space with layers of frag
These are waxy solid usually colored cosmetic in the form of a stick designed to add beauty to the lip. Lipsticks are also fashion accessories that can help you better achieve your preferred look and enhance your complete appearance. Also lipsticks are health items. These are some benefits of lipsticks: 1)BEAUTY: Lipsticks gives us the different types of lip colors we want being it sharp, bold and or dramatic. They instantly brings out our facial beauty, thus a perfect fashion tool that will enhance your confidence. 2) SUNSCREEN:Sometimes ago, chemist and fashion designers concluded that sunscreen protection is vital. Lipsticks manufacturers then added Sun protection ingredients to their products, enabling us to protect our lips from the sun, drying wind, and other harmful and aging effects. 3) HYDRATION: Despite the fact that some older brands of lipsticks use ingredients that can suck moisture from the lips, most of  them are conscious of the fact that our lips sho
When we finally get to take off time from work for a weekend, we will want to enjoy every part of it. But there are some factors to consider like Who to spend it with, Where to spend and How much is involved. These are some beautiful ways of spending time on weekends. 1) Spending Time with Family. We all know family will stay with you in any situation. You may have lots of friends, relations or colleagues but they will definitely be with you in your happy times or any successful achievements. But your family will stay with you in your difficult moments because they have been with you from the day you were born so they understand your feelings and they will always be there when ever you need someone abundantly. #familyisgold. 2)Spending time with friends. This isn't questionable. Most of us always have an already planned program for the weekends to hang out with close friends for catch ups. This is mostly done at restaurants, at the beach, snack bars and even night clubs.


What woman wouldn't want a happy family? Everyone of us loves when there is peace and happiness at our home, and trust me the man you choose to make children with or to be his wife is responsible for a great percentage of happiness and peace in your family. So choose wisely because even if the relationship didn't end up as planned but you made kids together, his presence in the life of these innocent kids are of great importance. Remember father material is different from boyfriend material. These are some signs he will be a great dad: 1) If he has ever had a pet at home:  This sounds odd but trust me it's technical. If your guy can clean the mess of a pet, feed it or take it to the veterinary when the need arises, trust me sister he can't hesitate to do same in the case of his children even if you are present at the situation or not. He will take charge of the kids well being more than you can imagine. 2) Love : To be a good father, you should be capable of show


Hello my veos hope you all are popping like myself. Let the star in you shine and let no one dim your shine. Say NO to those naysayers around you. Let them know the almighty God is the only one who can halt you and trust me the moment God halts you, he is actually preparing something larger for you. Today I will like us to talk about some BENEFITS OF WEARING PERFUMES. We all know how empowering and ephemeral perfumes can be. It creates a shimmering invisible armor  even after  it's wearer leaves. Who wouldn't love to leave behind such a souvenir................. Some Benefits of wearing perfumes are : 1) It enhances one's mood : One of the most vital benefit of wearing perfumes is to enhance one's mood. Perfumes helps in uplifting your spirits. Wearing perfumes can also help in the reflection of moods positively. Sometimes, weather you feel playful, timid and even reserved, perfumes offer different types of smells for different moods. 2) Makes you more attrac


*HEALTH BENEFITS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.* *BANANAS* 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 •Protect your heart. •Strengthen bones. •Control blood pressure •Block diarrhea. *BEANS* 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓 •Prevent constipation. •Help hemorrhoids. •Lower cholesterol. •Combat cancer. •Stabilize blood sugar. *BROCCOLI* •Strengthens. •Saves eyesight. •Combats cancer. •Protects your heart. •Controls blood pressure. *CABBAGE* •Combats cancer. •Prevents constipation. •Promotes weight loss. •Protects your heart. •Helps hemorrhoids. *CARROTS* 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕 •Save eyesight. •Protect your heart. •Prevent constipation. •Combat cancer. •Promote weight loss. *CAULIFLOWER* 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 •Protects against Prostate Cancer. •Combats Breast Cancer. •Strengthens bones. •Banishes bruises. •Guards against heart disease. *GARLIC* •Lowers cholesterol. •Controls blood pressure. •Combats cancer. •kills bacteria. •Fights fungus. *GRAPEFRUIT* •Protects against heart attacks •Promotes Weight loss •Help

8 Signs He's The Right Man For You.1

Being in a relationship with unavailable men, men who are with you for their own personal interest, bad boys and jerks is what  ladies will never like.  Seriously, we must value ourselves before others will follow the train. We should know the traits and qualities we value and hold out for a guy. Forget the sweet talkers and give a nice guy a chance to show you his intelligence, his reliability, and his respect for your person. Also, stop looking for validation and happiness in a man and you should realize your self-worth as a lady. 8 Signs He's The Right Man For You. 1) You find it easy to communicate with him on any subject. You don't have that fear or lay back energy when you have something important to talk about with him, being it a negative or positive subject especially about your relationship. 2) He is passionate with all that concerns you and expresses his respect and affection for you.. He gives you well thought-out GIFTS, holds your hand while walking down




Thank God is Friday....... And I go rock am like my b-day...... Oooh ooooh.. am so excited....... And everybody show your style eh... Colors to brighten your weekend.... Black+Red+White.


Hello my veossssss...... hope you all are enjoying your stay here. Today I will like us to talk about some ideas that can help grow our relationships stronger. We all can testify men are like babies when they are besides the woman they love. Also when a woman is in love with a man, she sees him as part of her hence she turns to treat him as special as she treats her own self. These are some qualities men like in a woman: 1) Compliment him often. 2) Surprises : Men like surprises. When you surprise him with a gift once in a while he feels acknowledged especially on his special occasions like his birthday. Make him feel important and special often. Remember when we talk of "GIFTS" it must not be something expensive or extravagant. Just the fact he sees the efforts you put to make him happy is important. 3) Play his nurse especially when he is ill. Assist him in taking his bath by cleaning his ear area, hands and fingers, toes and feets with the use of clean water and
Dating a married man/woman is common nowadays. We all know this practice is normally carried out by more older men/women and much younger women/men respectively thus they practice cross generational sex relationship. Cross generational sex is sexual behaviour between young women and much older men or young men and much older women with age difference of ten years that is, they are not of same generation. This type of practice brings increased health risks and it's a threat to our society. Cross generational relationship has plenty of disadvantages, some are: 1) Young men and women who practice it are more exposed to HIV/AIDS and other STIs( sexually transmitted infections). This is because, since they are young and ignorant, they lack the power to negotiate on the use of contraceptives like condoms. Also since most of them lack financial security, they are taken advantage of by those who think they are wealthy. 2) When young women are engaged into cross generational se


Y O L O : YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. You only live once thus give it your best shoot. You can see from the kind of pose I take on the pictures I usually share with you guys. I do appreciate the beauty of life and this should be applicable to you as well. Don't let life's challenges weigh you down and do not think you are the only one having issues, everybody alive has problems being it Emotional, Financial, Health wise etc........ Enjoy your stay at veostyle. Grind hard. Pray ceaselessly. XOXO..................... Peachpuff Coloured Pegged Legged Sleeveless Jumpsuit............................. Feet Wear : Nine West Shoes........... Makeup :    veostyle............................


Style is what you do with the clothes you buy....... Fashion has always been a repetition of ideas ....... But what makes it look different on you is the way you put it together. FEET WEAR; NINE WEST SHOES.


Our skin our priority. These are some foods we can easily find around which are beneficial to our skin in one way or the other. 1) Tomatoes: Tomatoes paste rich in lycopene helps in the prevention of Sun burn when combined with olive oil daily for for ten weeks. 2) Beans: Beans as a source of protein helps repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids which are the building blocks of cells. Amino acids then helps to fasten the repair of skin cells and collagen. 3) Avocados: This is a good source of biotin reason why it helps in the preventihon of dry skin, brittle hair and nails. When applied topically especially on hair, it helps in it's enhancement and restores it's natural beauty. 4) Green Tea: Green tea improves your skin complexion, helps in the flushing out of toxins from the skin and heals blemishes. It also reduce inflation and improves the skin's elasticity. REMEMBER WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.


Hello happy people, today I will like us to talk about a skin care problem that many of us face on daily basis. Skin dehydration is the decreased of water in our skin cells which leads to unhealthy skin. But when our skin is hydrated , which means the amount of water in our skin cells is increased, our skin appearance becomes healthy, smooth, youthful and we turn to gain a complete skin complexion from head to toe. These are some tips on skin hydration: 1) Products that can help in skin hydration are those that contain GLYCERIN, HONEY or HYALURONIC ACID. So when purchasing your skin hydrating products, do check it's content. 2)Skin hydration is beneficial to all skin types being it NORMAL,OILY or SENSITIVE skin. 3) Our makeup especially the foundation turns darker after a few hours of application.This is caused by excessive sebum production which is generated from dehydrated skin.Therefore when skin is hydrated, makeup is on fleek all day long. 4) Hydrating your skin prev


The pose you take when it is rumored Kanye West is planning to leave Kim Kardashian for you. For happiness being the highest level of success, i choose to be happy besides being unhappy is not good for one's health thus an unhappy state of  mind will not help in solving any issue, instead will cause more instability in the spirit. If plan A didn't work, try plan B, C. and D besides they are twenty six letters in  the alphabet. XOXO..................... Party like never before its going to be BANG! BANG! BANG! All White/Black..............


We pride ourselves by giving the best to where we come from. A photo studio at my village.....encouraging our local photographers is something i love doing once in a while, remember we can not disown our own. HIGH WAIST WIDE LEGS MADE FROM; AFRICAN PRINT FABRIC + SLEEVELESS TOP FROM MY WARDROBE+ PINK PAUSE FROM CHANEL.... MAKE UP BY MYSELF.........


ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters,uncles and aunties, nephews and nieces , doctors and nurses, neighbors and colleagues, students and graduates. ,,,,,,,,,Sincerely I have nothing to say. THANKS FOR YOUR Long Sleeve Female Shirt +High Waisted  Pant  + Red Feetwear.


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllooooooooooooo veostylers.... hope your saturday is as beautiful as mine. Remember your talent is God's gift to you and what you do with it is your gift to God thus make your passion your paycheck and stop complaining..........                                                                                                                                                                              BAG ; BALLY BAGS                                                                             FEET WEAR;  ATMOSPHERE .                                                                                             Skinny Jean with a white shirt and a black female jacket ...........                                                               Glasses : Ray Ban.