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When we finally get to take off time from work for a weekend, we will want to enjoy every part of it. But there are some factors to consider like Who to spend it with, Where to spend and How much is involved.
These are some beautiful ways of spending time on weekends.

1) Spending Time with Family.
We all know family will stay with you in any situation. You may have lots of friends, relations or colleagues but they will definitely be with you in your happy times or any successful achievements. But your family will stay with you in your difficult moments because they have been with you from the day you were born so they understand your feelings and they will always be there when ever you need someone abundantly. #familyisgold.

2)Spending time with friends.
This isn't questionable. Most of us always have an already planned program for the weekends to hang out with close friends for catch ups. This is mostly done at restaurants, at the beach, snack bars and even night clubs.

3) Spending time with the less privileged.
Since most people work on weekdays, they only have time on weekends for other activities like visiting the motherless babies home, prisoners at the prison yards, homes for the elderly, etc with words of encouragement or gifts. This is very important for the growth of our inner minds.

4) Cinemas: These are theatres where films are shown for public entertainment.
Cinemas have plenty of positive impacts on youths, seniors, businesses, etc.
It brings people together because with cinema, we can laugh, cry, and argue by so doing getting to meet new friends thus one can spend a weekend by visiting a cinema.

5)Household chores: Weekends are mostly used by some people for keeping their homes clean and tidy especially when they live alone. And for those who already have kids at home, you can use your weekend to train these kids to be resourceful and responsible by giving them household chores and making sure it's complete. This is also helpful because you have to spend time one on one with your kids and to know where they might be lacking.

6) Sunday Worships : Sundays are a unique days out of the seven days of a week.
It's unique because that's the special day we go the house of God to thank him for his GRACE , let him know how our week was and how we wish to spend the coming week. Remember life without Christ is Crisis.

7) Amusement parks: This is a beautiful place to spend time with kids. When we talk of kids, they must not only be yours. They can be your sister's, brother's, cousin's etc. Kids like amusement parks because they find many attractive and playful articles there. Trust me they will return home satisfied.

8)Concerts : Being it religious or not concerts are thrilling especially if your favorite artist is coming to town.

9) Visit a Library : Even if you don't really like reading, libraries are fun places.
At the library you can educate yourself or you can lose yourself for a few hours by just looking at pretty pictures. This was very practical when internet wasn't that common.

10) Have a well prepared meal:
 Cook something you wouldn't have time to cook on weekdays, take some selfies, post on social media and interact........................

There's no Greater Word than Friday.
Have a Great Weekend full of Love.


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