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Hello my veos hope you all are popping like myself. Let the star in you shine and let no one dim your shine. Say NO to those naysayers around you. Let them know the almighty God is the only one who can halt you and trust me the moment God halts you, he is actually preparing something larger for you.

Today I will like us to talk about some BENEFITS OF WEARING PERFUMES.
We all know how empowering and ephemeral perfumes can be. It creates a shimmering invisible armor  even after  it's wearer leaves. Who wouldn't love to leave behind such a souvenir.................

Some Benefits of wearing perfumes are :
1) It enhances one's mood : One of the most vital benefit of wearing perfumes is to enhance one's mood. Perfumes helps in uplifting your spirits. Wearing perfumes can also help in the reflection of moods positively.
Sometimes, weather you feel playful, timid and even reserved, perfumes offer different types of smells for different moods.

2) Makes you more attractive: Sense of smell is one of the most important of the five senses reason why you can simply get attracted to someone just because of the way they smell.

3) Aphrodisiac: Some perfumes are natural aphrodisiacs. These types of perfumes may contain pheromones which have aphrodisiac properties reason why we get attracted to someone because of their perfume.

4) Aromatherapy : perfumes has plenty of relaxing and therapeutic benefits. Citrus fruit, floral and winter spice perfumes help calm the mind and soothes the body. These types of perfumes helps in the control of stress levels.

5) Fragrance : Perfumes has always been used for fragrance purposes. This is because it helps keep unwanted body odor silence for a very long period of time.

Perfumes doesn't only make us smell good but makes us feel better as well.
Enjoy your stay at


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