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Showing posts from November, 2017


REDUCING BODY FAT The weight loss “industry” is full of myths. People are being advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind them. There are things you must understand like:- 1) Understanding your body framework. 2) Diet 3) Life style modifications 4) Exercise 5) Believe you can get the results u want. *Understanding your body framework*: There are some people who are big with big abdomen as such have a limit they can't reduce to. *Diet*: Eat foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegitables and drink lots of water daily. Also, reduce your intake of carbs (sugar) bc excess sugar in the body is converted to fats and stored in the fat depot (adipose tissue). *Life style modifications*: Don't eat after 8pm, don't sleep much especially during the day, don't always get a taxi for short distances, reduce or if possible stop the intake of alcoholic beverages, avoid cold drinks. *Exercise*: Register to a gym or exercise club.


*VAGINA ODOR* Many women think their vagina should be odorless, but as with everywhere else on our body, it actually has a scent that can be fairly complex. If that scent becomes unpleasant, though, it could indicate a problem. *Possible causes of vagina odor* 1. *Infection* The most common explanation for an unpleasant vaginal odor is an infection called bacterial vaginosis. No one knows what causes it; the infectious agent or agents have yet to be identified. Signs that you might have it include a fishy odor, as well as a thin white or gray discharge and a burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse. The infection is likely transmitted sexually and is treated with specific antibiotics. Another possible cause is trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by a protozoan parasite. The infection often doesn’t cause symptoms, but if it does they might include yellow or green, frothy discharge that may smell fishy, as well as burning with urination and int


 One who can't manage  others emotionally literally      lacks     emotional   intelligence. Below are some signs that your partner lacks emotional intelligence. 1)Can't control their own emotions. Emotionally intelligent people are able to mange their emotions properly especially towards the opposite sex. If your partner can't control his/her anger, he/she lacks emotional intelligence. 2) Can't maintain friendships. If your partner can't maintain a decent relationship between colleagues and friends, he/she lacks emotional intelligence. 3) His/her inability to read your obvious displeasure might affect your emotional connection. 4) If he/she makes jokes in funerals, gets angry over very little things, unable to acknowledge his/her fault, it shows he/she doesn't understand social workings of emotional expression. 5) Unable to manage sad situations due to low EQ. 6) We all know feelings are being communicated  through vocal tones. If he/she doesn


1) FINANCIAL BENEFITS: Consuming home made meals is much economical than eating in restaurants. When we eat at restaurants, we tend to pay other bills alongside the meal. Other bills like, the lights, the service provided by the servants, water bill, packing space, the building e.t.c. Am not saying we should completely eradicate the attitude but I believe it should be controlled and reduced. 2) TIME SAVING: It's much faster to make a decent meal for one's self at home than rushing to a restaurant. There are so many Meals that can be made in less than 40mins, and if you choose a more complex meal, you can as well cook in bulk and freeze for later consumption. 3) HEALTHIER INGREDIENTS: Almost all commercially made foods are high in sugar, salt, fat, ........ When we prepare our own meals, we control the quantity and quality of ingredients we consume. 4) THE LEVEL OF SANITATION: The level of sanitation in restaurants are doubtful especially in less developed countries.


1.  Always call before visiting. 2. Kindly remove your shoes before entering someone's house. 3. If you're from the rural, kindly carry some chicken, fish, beans or other produce. Cost of living is high. 4. If in the same city, try visiting after meal times, observe family budget. 5. If whoever you want isn't in, go back..stop entertaining the spouse or the maid. 6. If you to make use of their bathroom, kindly flush and leave the loo as clean as u found it. 7. Visit on your own, don't carry groups to someone's house. 8. Take your complicated nonsense far away..I don't eat red fish, I'm allergic to starch etc. No one forced you here. 9.  If you're an overnight guest...u must bathe. 10. If you have a running stomach..stay in your house. 11.  Cease all stupid questions....have you completed mortgage, is that your landlord, how much was this carpet. 12. When serving food do not overload, u're not the only hungry soul. 13. Don't confuse


1) SET YOUR PRIORITIES: Make a to do list and be realistic as you attach value to each activity. 2) Make sure the highest priorities enjoy the the all most all of your time and energy. Make sure you have boundaries or limitations so as not to waste valuable time on things that mean little or nothing to you. 3) Make a plan and follow the plan:  If you had planned to visit family or close friends, plan it in such a way that nothing can disrupt the plan. Remember life is more enjoyable when your way of life reflects the way you feel. 4) Make adequate use of your time, and remember time is no one's friend. 5) Make time for others despite your busy schedule. Spending time with others builds the quality of your friendships on multiple levels. 6)Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Knowing how beneficial physical exercises is and that without your health nothing good actually matters, make healthy living a priority. Value your body and treat it with respect and remember


Hey guys the last time we talked about one of the signs showing one is being sexually harassed in one of my previous blog posts. Today, I'll wish we see how to manage sexual harassment in workplaces. Below are some tips on how to manage sexual harassment in workplaces. 1) Talk to him/her directly. Let them know what they're doing is wrong morally, ethically thus punishable by the government. 2) If they insist, FIND other victims knowing you aren't the only one he/she is harassing sexually at the moment. If possible, have a witness or two. 3) Again, inform your subordinate at work (your supervisor) . If your supervisor is unable to handle it, then inform your human resource officer and let them know your output at work is being affected negatively due to the present circumstance. 4) At this stage, have it in mind that your H.R will obviously contact the senior management. 5) Acknowledging the fact that sexual harassment is a criminal offence, at this poi


FOOD FOR THOUGHT A man can cheat on his woman and still love her but a woman cannot cheat on her man and still love him. I say this because while men do not have sex with emotions, women can't have sex without attaching emotions to it. This is the reason men simply need a PLACE to have sex while women need a REASON to have sex. Men don't equate sex with love. A man can have sex with another woman but still doesn't love her. That's why women who fell in love with married men find it difficult to find happiness in those relationships as they are just being used by those married men. Therefore, once your woman starts having sex with another man/men, her love shifts from you to that man The fact that your man is cheating on you doesn't mean he has stopped loving you. But I can't say the same for women. Once a woman starts cheating on you, she has fallen for someone else and you people will never live the same again.


Hello my veos.......hope You all are doing great. It's all most the end of the year and I wish we talk about something sensitive to the human race. It's "GRATITUDE" . We all came from somewhere as humans, not all of us were raised by our parents 100%. Most of us have ladders( people) that led  us to were we are today who aren't even our family members. It's important that we show gratitude to these ladders especially at the end of the year knowing it's all most holidays ( festive season) and knowing how gratitude impacts the human mind positively. An attitude of gratitude may turn your world around for the good . When we're out there interacting with people, we hardly know who's watching us and our actions. Below are some reasons why we should show gratitude: 1) Gratitude Generates Social Capital. This is mostly for those who are social media entrepreneurs, trust me when you're grateful to your social media responses from time to time


When it comes to giving,many married people are generous to everybody except their spouses​. There are seven things you should give your spouse daily. Not weekly , monthly or annual giving. Below are some tips on how to EMOTIONALLY feed your spouse daily. 1. Give your spouse a touch: One of the ways to bond with your spouse is to give him or her a touch. We have encouragement touch, affirmation touch, healing touch, apology touch, and we have sexual touch. Study your partners and know what touch to give at a particular time. 2. Give your spouse a Space: As much as you need to bond with your spouse and be together for daily intimacy, communication, affection, planning, etc ,yet, you still need to give your spouse his /her space.  Don't choke  your spouse. Don't be over- possessive and over demanding to your spouse. Stop unnecessary policing and monitoring. Give your spouse the space they need when they need it. 3: Give your spouse a call/ chat: Some people can chat with